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Please Support Cascadia Clusters!

Cascadia Clusters trains and employs houseless people to build ultra-affordable Tiny Homes On Wheels & develop mobile hygiene facilities for government & nonprofit use.

Our Tiny Homes On Wheels (THOWs) are used in communities for people transitioning out of homelessness.

Cascadia Clusters needs tools and materials, wages and lunches for our houseless trainees, and funding for our professional construction trainer to continue our operations. Please consider supporting our organization with a tax-deductible donation, or email us to volunteer — community members of all ages are welcome!

All PayPal and check donations are tax deductible. Cascadia Clusters is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Donations made via PayPal at the link above will include a 2.2% transaction fee withheld from your contribution. If you wish to ensure 100% of your donation is used for our work, we gladly accept donations via check to:

Cascadia Clusters c/o Andrew Olshin. 3728 NW Thurman St. Portland, OR 97210

What can we do with your contribution?

Cascadia Clusters knows how to efficiently allocate your donations to create durable structures, provide opportunity, and create lasting social change.

Every donation is meaningful and helps us achieve our mission.

Here’s how we can make use of your contribution:

What we can do with $18:

Cascadia Clusters Nails

Hold Everything Together: Purchase a box of nails that’ll hold THOWs together! Volunteers from faith groups, community organizations, and schools will hammer away with your donation!


What we can do with $50:


Flawless Woodwork: Cover the cost of a fine finish saw blade and help us craft Tiny Homes on Wheels that inspire dignity and pride in their previously homeless residents.

What we can do with $100:

Workforce Training for the Houseless: A Cascadia Clusters trainee will learn a new construction skill that will prepare them for industry work and help keep our Tiny Homes on Wheels at industry-leading quality & design standards.


What we can do with $180:

Employment and Training: Support a Cascadia Clusters construction trainee for a full day of work repurposing and installing building materials to use in our tiny homes.

What we can do with $250

Paint out graffiti and repair the fence around the church where we are building a new tiny home village.


What we can do with $1,800:

New fence: A village needs to be safe for the residents and help define the boundaries of the community. An $1,800 donation covers labor and materials to install a fence and gate.


What we can do with $18,000:


Change a Life — Sponsor a Tiny Home on Wheels or pier stones and change a life. A plaque with any inscription is included. Donation covers materials, houseless trainee labor, & supervision.